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“Struggling to find the words to everything i’m feeling.. clarky was someone i looked up to in life... someone that brought so much to the world and held so much value in my heart and in my life. she made me (and everyone else) feel loved, accepted, heard, and cared for. she pushed me to be a better leader, player, and person. she meant everything to me. i always wanted to be like her in so many ways. i felt like she was a source of guidance. i just wanted to just make her proud.. so much of me and who i have become is because of her. she could always get the best out of me. she was one of the most amazing and important human beings in my life. we called each other family, as she was always a part of the golemmes... i can’t put into words how much i’m gonna miss dancing with her in pregames, especially since we planned on her being in the stands dancing while i danced in warmups on the field. i’m gonna miss our conversations filled with love and emphasizing each other’s importance and value in the world. i’m gonna miss asking her to help train me so i could be ready to take that “next step” we always talked about . im gonna miss our walks talking through anxiety, and having that person that could get me out of bed when i was going through a hard time. im already missing her laugh, smile, and everything she brought into my life. i know we are all hurting; i’m feeling a pain i’ve never felt before and i know so many of us are too. her time in my life is something i will never take for granted. i feel like a part of me is just missing. i already miss you so much JC... the world was always better with you in it. you’re forever and always in my heart.. rest easy and i’ll see you again some day #1”
-Sarah Golemme
Doing this all over again seems unimaginable. I feel like this life is no longer real without you. You were the brightest light in every room. You didn’t encounter one person without changing their mood for the better. You truly were always trying to make sure no one felt the way you really did inside. You were always your true authentic self and stood up for what you believed in, not caring what a single soul thought about you. You really were the most obnoxious person I’ve ever known, and yet I was never ever annoyed of you, because you weren’t pretending to be anyone but you.
I love you so much and don’t know how any of us will move on through this life without you. Dancing queen, Mr. bright side, I’m on a boat, Grace & Frankie, sex in the city, Paul, soccer, our crazy jokes that we always took WAY too far, and dancing and grooving will never be the same, but I’ll always know you’ll be laughing your crazy laugh right next to me through it all. Coming back to alumni games or to cheer on the bears is always going to feel a little empty with out you there. I’m going to miss dancing with you during the pregame huddles & asking you “HEY CLARKY, WHAT DO BEARS EAT” the most.
The talent you had was absolutely mesmerizing, nothing felt better than always having full trust in my keeper on and off the field. Our class was so lucky to have all 4 years of our college career with your crazy ass. I can’t think back on any memory I have of you where you’re not smiling, and it’s so heartbreaking to me you ever felt anything other than being the most loved and idolized girl in the room. I’m so happy you are at peace now my plum pie. We are gonna make you proud down here, and carry on your dedication to making the world a kinder and better place sweet cheeks. Thank you for some of my all time favorite memories Jordyn Clark. Rest easy sugar and shot gun a beer with Tia for me 💛💙 #GB4L&beyond #givemeagrrrr #youareimportant#youareloved
-Leah Johnson
“I still don’t think it’s hit me that you’re really gone. I don’t really have the words. we were just planning on getting together and catching up less than two weeks ago. i’m forever thankful that cabin life in Hayward brought our families together, i will never forget all of the memories and laughs we have shared together. you will forever hold the mo st special place in the Olien family’s hearts. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Clark’s and all of Jordyn’s friends and families. Watch over us, our guardian angel. Even the happiest of people are fighting the biggest demons. i love you Clarky.“
- Rylee Olien
“Jordyn,There are no words to describe the sadness that comes with realizing we all now live in a world without you. The last few days, I have watched countless people share their encounters with you, and with each one came one specific word; light. You were an absolute light. The brightest light I have ever known and probably will ever know. You were the type of person that made every single person in the room feel special in their own ways. You made everyone you met feel like they mattered which is a quality I always admired. You made me smile on days I didn’t think were possible. You laughed your way through every battle and made those around you laugh too. Knowing you made me a better person. There’ s a special bond a goal keeper and their center backs create in the game of soccer. Throughout our seasons we both had each other’s backs whether it was at practice, a game or even off the field. You directed me and I trusted you with every muscle in my body. You say move right I moved right. If you said jump in front of a ball I would or if one of us made a mistake we both were immediately there to comfort the other and push each other to get back up and try again. No matter what You always made me believe in myself and that’s something I’ll never forget. One of the last conversations we had you told me how much you appreciated what I do for the earth through my work and passion for turtles. You told me how much love you had for me. I will never forget that conversation. Everything I do from today on is for you J. Seeing everyone’s posts only solidifies the impact you truly had on everyone you knew. I truly hope you can see that now and that your pain is eased. Unfortunately, this world will continue on, the minutes will keep passing and the sun will continue to rise and set again everyday, but you, Jordyn, will never be forgotten. Your light will always shine through the darkness of this world.”
-Annie Christenson
“I’m struggling to believe this is true that you are really gone. Jordyn had the best energy and was always positive and inviting. You will be very much missed. Your dedication towards soccer and hard work and giving back to the community. Are just a couple more of your admirable traits. How lucky I am to have been your teammate and friend. I will cherish those moments that we spent together forever. Thank you for teaching me to be a better person. Rest In Peace sending love to your family and everyone who knew Jordyn Clark”
-Julia Pern
Rest Easy J Clark. What I wouldn’t give to hear your voice or that laugh just one more time. I’ll miss our talks in the hotel rooms and the nonstop memes. I hope you’re well rested cuz I’m sure God’s got a big game for you up there. No team get together, alumni game, or any other event will be the same without your energy, humor, and love. You are so loved Clarky- we’ll miss you always
-Alexa Hepner
“To the most beautiful soul, I don’t think I will ever be able to put into words the feeling that has come to be reality the last 2 days. 13 years ago, I met the girl who was quickly going to become my sister. Lord only knew what he was doing by putting us in the others life. At the age of 10, you never stop to think about how the people surrounding you are soon going to be by your side everyday. The talks, the adventures, the moments we spent, the bond you and I shared, and every day in between, you never let me down. Jordyn c hanged my life and changed it for the better. She taught me to see everyday to the fullest, she taught me to love everyone around me and love them the hardest I knew how. She taught me how to advocate and speak up for what I believe in and be passionate and to never apologize for that. Above all else, Jordyn taught me how to let someone in. The good, and the bad, she never left my side. Your soul was contagious, the love you showed was inspiring, and above all else, the person you were brought out the best of everyone around you. I may not know why god decided to take you from our lives but all I can say is that I am blessed to have been chosen to be apart of the ride with you from the very beginning, to the very end. 13 years was not the time we were supposed to have together, but I will cherish and look back at every single moment we spent together and know that I have the most beautiful guardian angel looking down on me, cheering me on through life. I will miss you with everything in me, everyday.
Like we always say, I’ll love you always. Fly high baby girl, until we see eachother again ”
-Taylor Holmes
“Such a special light. Jordyn had a way of connecting with every single person she met. I’ll miss your laugh after preseason jokes, stating that everything was the funniest thing you’ve ever heard, dancing to I’m on a boat, constant love for others, conversations about coaching and premier league, convincing me to do goofy things and your ability to make anyone feel great. Fly high Clarky, thank you for teaching me to be true to myself #GB4L”
-Sophie Pawlyshyn
“There are truly no words to describe how great of an impact Jordyn had on my life. I will miss her goofiness and smile more than anything in this world, but I am so incredibly thankful that I have millions of memories to hold onto forever. I love you J, thank you for being my best friend, bridesmaid, and sister.”
-Lulu Regules
The smiles and laughs, the love and compassion you showed to others, the memories that were made, so much I’m trying to process today but most of all is the thoughts and prayers to all of your family and friends. I think back on playing P.I.G. with the basketball hoop in my classroom prior to your graduation where I was to give the faculty speech and was so nervous, the Dominick’s meals being delivered in, the special handshake we demoed for teacher appreciation night for soccer and this picture...your last class in high school with Criminology B! Thank you for making me a better teacher and person and for all of the lives you made such a difference in!! R.I.P. Jordyn! Once A Wildcat, Always A Wildcat #scb #Lawrence #UncleCarly
-Todd Carlson
“To the girl who lit up any room and put a smile on everyone’s face, I miss you. Your spunky personality and dance moves were one of a kind and no one will ever compare . I’ll miss our deep talks over a beer, hearing you say how much you love Plums, our late night adventures to the most random places, the energy you brought everywhere, your “how to videos”, and most of all your smile. Mr. Brightside and Dancing Queen will not be the same anymore. I love you, Clarky. Until we meet again“
- Tori Nicole
“You truly never know the battles that each person is going through every day. this is yet another reminder that life is but a vapor and each day and moment on earth is a blessing. Jordyn, you lit up every room you stepped foot in, your positive energy was contagious, you were a team leader and had the most beautiful soul. you will be deeply missed. Friends, connect with those you love, the people who you know are hurting. listen and pay attention. please don’t hesitate to reach out to someone if you are feeling alone and lost. Thank you for making this world a better place, jordyn. rest in peace” Heidi Wright